Start A Therapy Practice Podcast

I love different sauces, don't you? In my fridge there is Tiger Sauce, many different salad dressings, chili sauce, Tapatio, and one of my favorites, Show-Me Bar-B-Q Sauce.  You can really create the best meal with that special, secret sauce.

There's a secret sauce to managing a private practice too.  This secret is called productivity, and it's is all about learning to harness and control your time.  To run a successful private practice, you absolutely must learn to be productive.

If you leave a productivity tip in the comments below you will have a chance to win a FREE copy of my E-book to be given away May 24, 2014.

I have been very excited about this episode because it is one of the best ways I can help you make a positive change in your private practice and in your life. In this podcast, I will share some philosophical thoughts on productivity and some very practical tips and tools that you can use to improve your productivity. You will definitely want to check out the links at the end of this post.


Here are some of the insights you will learn:

  • How productivity helps you reach your ultimate goal with your practice
  • The secret to scheduling success
  • What tasks you should delegate to others
  • Evernote is the secret ingredient in the secret sauce
  • How I use Evernote
  • How I use Siri
  • How I use email
  • Life habits that make you productive and successful
  • Screen capture for productivity
  • Bluetooth your learning capacity
  • How service to others fulfills you as a person
  • Why productivity is important to make you a better servant
  • The servant of the servants of God
  • Duty is not a four letter word
Direct download: 017_Productivity_-_Secret_Sauce_to_Marketing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:59am CDT

Rachel Wynn is a private practice Speech Therapist with an award-winning blog at Rachel worked in a nursing home setting and became disillusioned with what she saw there. Her entrepreneurial husband encouraged her to step out into private practice so she finally took the leap. After discovering her niche, she soon figured out that even though she loved what she was doing she was not able to make money doing it. She had to pivot and go in a different direction. She actually went in a few different directions. You will want to hear how an entrepreneur therapist isn't reactive but proactive in taking her private practice in new and exciting directions.

Here are some topics we cover:

  • How to fail and succeed at networking
  • Evidence based practice tools
  • Your website may have a problem
  • Importance of presentations and community events
  • The "Why" of your practice and how it makes a difference
  • The Area Agency on Aging tool
  • Private Practice is not just one on one treatment
Direct download: 016_Rachel_Wynn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:29am CDT